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Who is Andreas Antonopoulos?

Today’s post on the Who’s Who section of Crypto.BI is about Andreas Antonopoulos, a British born author, speaker and Bitcoin advocate.

Antonopoulos was born in the UK but was raised in Greece, where he still lives and teaches about Digital Currencies.

Mastering Bitcoin Book

Andreas Antonopoulos wrote the highly acclaimed Mastering Bitcoin book, published by O’Reilly.

One of the reasons for the immense success of this text is the simplicity with which he explains complex concepts, a capacity that has become a signature of his on his own live talks and in social media Q&A sections as well as in casual conversations with his followers.


Antonopoulos’ technically explanatory videos are a major source of easily accessible technical information about Bitcoin both to experts and beginners alike.

One of his most intriguing concepts is that of the Internet of Money. According to the author, Bitcoin will do for money what the Internet did for access to information.

51% Attack Comments

Andreas Antonopoulos has mentioned the intractability of performing successful 51% attacks against Bitcoin.

In his view, it is practically impossible to get away with such an attack. Even if a state actor decided to invest heavily into such an exploit, Bitcoin could easily fork and move on in a different direction than the state attacker desired, rendering the attack worthless.

Mt. Gox Predictions

The author also gained notoriety several years ago by making correct predictions about the technical risks involved in Mt. Gox which later went bankrupt due to technical failures. He’s been engaged for technical debates by Bitcoin’s top minds and the public has always come out as the big winners in such debates.


Official Website

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About the Author
Published by Crypto Bill - Bill is a writer, geek, crypto-curious polyheurist, a dog's best friend and coffee addict. Information security expert, encryption software with interests in P2P networking, decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts and crypto based payment solutions. Learn More About Us