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Things you should know about cryptocurrency trading:

How to stay safe and avoid scams, preserve your coins, choose an exchange and much more.

In this section we also cover some trading-related ICO’s and other cryptocurrency projects that may be of interest to traders.

ELI5: How can I buy Bitcoin?
There are many options when it comes to buying Bitcoin. You can buy it directly from friends, on what's generally known as over the counter (OTC) trade. Or you can buy BTC from ex...
ELI5 How did the original Shapeshift work?
The original Shapeshift was one of the most popular and innovative cryptocurrency exchanges. It has since been updated to a dApp that allows users to perform several cross-chain o...
DON’T use Paypal for cryptocurrency purchases [Early 2020 article]
November 2020 Update In late October 2020, Paypal updated their policy to allow cryptocurrency purchases. The payments processor also updated their Terms and Conditions to e...
ELI5 How works is an gift-card-for-cryptocurrency trading service. Currently, iPayYou will buy your gift cards at a fixed rate and pay back in cryptocurrency. Accepte...
ELI5 AVAX IOU? Is it the real AVAX coin?
November 2020 Update As of November 18, AVAX price has remained remarkably stable - for cryptocurrency standards. Chart via Binance Coincost shows the AVAX IOU slowly dep...
ELI5 What are Tokenized Funds?
Imagine investing in a cryptocurrency token that is automatically tied to an investment fund located anywhere in the world? Something like owning shares of a startup, but inste...
The strange case of the May 2019 Bitcoin SV pump
It was just over 9 AM on a sunny morning, May 21 2019, when in just over one hour the price of Bitcoin SV (BSV) pumped over 125% going from U$ 60's to about U$ 140. The mainstr...
ELI5 Bitcoin Price Prediction
A lot of newbie investors search for online asset price predictions and then proceed to invest based on those predictions. In this post I'll present my opinion on why this is a...
ELI5 The Binance Exchange
Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange founded by Changpeng Zhao in China, in 2017. Although Binance had a late start when compared to Poloniex, Bitfinex and others, it quickly g...
ELI5 Changelly cryptocurrency exchange
Changelly is a non-custodial exchange based in Prague, Czech Republic. It was one of the first exchanges of its kind, founded in 2016, over a year before the 2017 cryptocurrenc...