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Cryptocurrencies give you a lot of power but also require proper discipline in order to avoid losses and stay safe.

Here we cover information security from the perspective of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Is Quantum Key Distribution in the future of cryptocurrencies?
What would be the use of a data transmission system where the contents of a message changed if anyone simply read it? Secret Key Exchange Imagine if our two dearest cryptocu...
Is it safe to transact cryptocurrencies using WiFi?
You're at a busy airport using public WiFi. Will hackers steal your Avalanche private keys when you send a transaction just before you board a plane? Can hackers access your walle...
ELI5 – What is a wallet drainer?
As cryptocurrencies gain mass adoption, scams become more and more commonplace. Just like criminals will go to any extent to rob assets in US Dollars, so it is with crypto nowaday...
Net Neutrality: The next battle against Bitcoin?
Bitcoin has withstood the largest and most technically sophisticated attacks likely ever perpetrated against any known technology. Billionaires who control large scale mining oper...
Do you really need a hardware wallet?
Carrying a complete banking institution in your pocket is an amazing concept! Hardware wallets are really cool. They're basically specially designed storage systems, like s...
2013 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 5]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2013. Dogewallet Such hack. Many ...
2012 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 4]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2012. Bitcoinica / Linode Hack Bi...
2011 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 3]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2011. In 2011, most Bitcoin hacks in...
2014 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 6]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2014. MintPal In July 2014 Mintpa...
2015 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 7]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2015. Bitstamp In January of 2015...