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Mining and Staking Category - Page 3

Is your cryptocurrency at risk of a 51% attack?
Half plus one attacks could theoretically happen to any Proof of Work based cryptocurrency. The amount of risk of such an attack happening depends on several factors, including...
Is cryptocurrency mining still profitable? Is bitcoin mining worth it?
Mining can still be profitable if you have access to decently priced energy, follow a few good practices and build the right rig for the right price. In this article we give you a...
Should I worry about the Bitcoin halving?
As you probably know, when mining Bitcoin, every block contains a reward reserved for whoever solves it. The very first blocks, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto himself, paid a 50 BTC...
How are large Bitcoin mining operations built?
Bitcoin mining is no longer profitable in the small. Today, the mining landscape is dominated by two different mining strategies: Large scale Bitcoin mining operations;Altco...
Estimating Cardano ADA Staking Rewards
July 2020 Update Cardano has finally released the Shelley mainnet. From this point forward, staking rewards will no longer be estimated. Once epoch 210 is concluded, we'll have...
ELI5: What is BetterHash?
BetterHash is a cryptocurrency mining method developed by Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corallo. The main idea behind BetterHash is to improve decentralization of Bitcoin mining ...
ELI5 What does an Ethereum Miner do, exactly?
Ethereum currently uses a Proof of Work consensus mechanism. Which means it requires 24x7 mining in order to keep the network running. So, if you're new to cryptocurrencies, yo...
ELI5 How many Bitcoins are there? Is the number of Bitcoins limited?
tl;dr; There are 17.4 million Bitcoins in circulation at the time of this writing. Bitcoin supply is limited at 21 million BTC. This limit will be reached in the far future as blo...
ELI5 What is geomining? [Cryptocurrencies]
Geomining is a cryptocurrency consensus mechanism where the participants' geographic locations are used as a proof of value. Geominers are rewarded for being at a specific place, ...
What is network difficulty?
It is intuitive to most cryptocurrency miners that when more people join the mining operation, less reward is paid to each participating miner. It seems logical that it should ...