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Found 7 results for quantitative easing

ELI5 First, second, third and fourth generation cryptocurrencies [2023 Update]
Although the theoretical building blocks that form cryptocurrencies existed prior to 2009, it was only in January of that year that Bitcoin registered the first ever transaction o...
Opinion: Nouriel Roubini’s statements to the Senate Banking Committee are an embarrassment [October 2018]
If you've been following the cryptocurrency discussions on social media, then you've probably heard a lot about Nouriel Roubini lately. First, the Vitalik + LauraShin thread th...
Opinion: Tether is likely backed by Bitcoin U$ equivalents, not by cash US Dollars [June 2018]
A lot of the controversy surrounding the Tether cryptocurrency seems to focus on whether it is fully backed by US Dollar funds or not. Several relevant questions have been posed i...
Deflationary spiral: Are cryptocurrencies at risk?
In the context of cryptocurrencies, a deflationary spiral may happen when there is a self-reinforcing process of draining the supply of coins or tokens from the markets while the ...
Bitcoin negative yields are impossible
Negative yield is an intriguing concept. The whole idea behind paying interests is that your money is worth more today than it is tomorrow. Cash in hand should be worth more than ...
Why is Bitcoin a deflationary currency? What does this mean in practice?
To understand deflation we must first define its opposite: monetary inflation. We hear a lot about inflation on the news, but what exactly does it mean? As the term itself sugg...
Understand distributed ledgers and the importance of financial decentralization
What's the hype around decentralization all about? Why is it important? Why do we want decentralization, when centralized financial institutions seem to be working just fine? T...