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Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We’ve heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: “blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much”. Is this really so? We disagree, and in this article we discuss the origins of Bitcoin and how the problem it solved only makes sense when there’s a reward for participants to join […]
ELI5 Multisignature Systems
What we call a Bitcoin is simply an unspent, signed transaction on the blockchain. (Technically called a UTXO, for Unspent Transaction (TX) Output.) When you say you own such many Bitcoins, it means one or more transactions were signed, using private keys, directing a certain number of Bitcoins to your address. How this signature process […]
A Jormungandr jcli Cryptonomicon – Staking Pool Commands and Stuff
In this article, we’ll take a look at jormungandr and ended up compiling notes, some commonly used commands and other stuff learned while researching how to run a Cardano staking pool. I’ve turned everything into this post so we could all copy and reuse from if needed. Ended up becoming a jormungandr cheat sheet of […]
Cryptocurrencies and digital governance: Blockchains for transparency
Governance involves higher level management at a strategic level. The main purpose for the adoption of proper governance frameworks and processes is to maximize value for stakeholders by avoiding legal and compliance setbacks. At the same time, governance also concerns itself with internal monitoring, evaluation and direction of priorities by an enterprise. By complying with […]