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Avalanche Q4 will be HUGE!!!

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you may have heard all the buzz about Avalanche Q4. Yeah I’m kinda guilty of shilling it myself!!! But what is it all about? Is it just hype? Or is there substance to all this bullish sentiment?

tl;dr; Like all things Avalanche, it’s not just hype. This is REAL. And it’s happening NOW.

There’s so much going on for AVAX this quarter, it’s even hard to begin. The list on @0xJordanB_’s post gives us a nice trailer of what’s to come:

Great list, but believe it or not, it’s not even close to being complete! (Hint: There’s tons of new announcements coming from Avalanche Summit 2024 next week!)

Let’s take a closer look at a few of these features and upcoming events.

Unlock FUD Over

As you can see from the below timeline, only 2 unlock tracks exist after August 2024

Avalanche AVAX Token Unlocks Schedule

The first unlock track belongs to Avalanche Foundation. As far as AVAX success goes, they’re the most interested party in token valuation. Like Ethereum Foundation they will unlock a few tokens here and there, but they likely won’t sell. And, most importantly, unlike Ethereum Foundation, Avalanche Foundation unlocks are scheduled on-chain, 100% transparent and predictable. They’ve been scheduled on the AVAX Genesis Block!

You never know when Vitalik might decide to unload some of his ETH but, with AVAX, you know the full Foundation unlock schedule before it happens. It’s on-chain, verifiable and set in stone since the genesis block.

The second unlock track is the validator rewards track! So it’s not really an unlock. They’re rewards paid out for validation work, like Bitcoin block rewards. AVAX in this unlock track is only paid out against validation work. There’s actual work performed before you earn these tokens, so it’s safe against prive inflation. It’s pretty much how Bitcoin has worked for the past 15 years.

Fee Burning

At the time of this writing, Avalanche mainnet had burned over 4.4 million AVAX tokens

Unlike Ethereum and other legacy L1’s, Avalanche burns all fees. On AVAX, there’s no incentive for MEV bots and selective blocks. Avalanche transactions are first class citizens! All of them are treated equally, there is no “premium” AVAX transaction that gets chosen because someone paid a lot of fees. Validators get none of those fees. In fact, nobody does. Avalanche burns all fees, always. You know those weird transactions where the fee is larger than the transferred amount? Sus AF? Yeah, that doesn’t happen on Avalanche.

AVAX is massively deflationary. Not speculatively deflationary like Ethereum (since it’s algorithmically uncapped), but really, mathematically, massively deflationary. Avalanche gets burned by the algorithm, not by a central command like some exchange tokens.

Every. Single. AVAX. Transaction. Burns. Tokens.


Let that sink in for a moment and consider what it means for the long run.

Max Supply Cap

Bitcoin max supply cap is set in the Bitcoin Core algorithm. Specifically, there’s a C++ language file on Bitcoin source code file called validation.cpp which sets the BTC reward amounts for each halving. (You can check it out here if you’re curious.)

Avalanche works differently

The max AVAX supply cap is hard set in the Avalanche primary L1 genesis block! Avalanche max supply cap is set in stone! It’s probably the most secure hard cap available in crypto today. There’s simply no way of changing it that wouldn’t totally break the network up. Everyone can audit it!

Source code can be changed. Genesis blocks can’t. It’s a HUGE feature.


ACP’s are to Avalanche what BIP’s are to Bitcoin

It’s the community process through which Avalanche gets improved

ACP-77 is titled “Reinventing Subnets”. It was proposed before the Subnet to L1 rebranding. So we’ll call them L1’s from here on.

ACP-77 could take up a whole article and then some, so here’s the Avalanche Academy rundown of all the changes it’ll introduce.

Think about it. Validators who no longer need 2000 AVAX to run their own node. L1’s instead of subnets. Thousands of validators from different PoS platforms will flock to Avalanche, so they can grab a slice of the AVAX L1 reward pie! Early validators make a lot more $ than late ones, so if you’ve got experience validating other PoS chains, you won’t want to miss this opportunity.


Avalanche Warp Messaging isn’t exactly new, but it’s getting a huge boost on the Etna update

Since Etna is all about performance and limitless L1 interoperability, AWM is like the nitro button on an AVAX L1

Imagine a universe of blockchains communicating in real time, no oracles or client software required. All on-chain and built into the Avalanche infrastructure for you. Avalanche is doing everything other L1’s are trying to do.

Now think about this native cross-chain capability combined with real world assets. See where this is going now?


Avalanche Teleporter builds on AWM to make EVM messaging as seamless as possible

If you’ve ever developed Javascript code, you’ve seen the async keyword. Async allows you to send a message (like a command) and then receive the reply later, without locking up your application while you wait. The traditional way of doing things is you call a command, wait until it returns, then you present users the result. Async code works differently. You send the command, go do something else then receive the reply once it’s finished doing its work.

This is especially important with blockchain code because some operations may take a relatively long time (in computer terms) to complete. Functions on your local computer take nanoseconds to finish. On a blockchain system like the EVM it can take anywhere from 20 seconds to several minutes.

Teleporter allows EVM code to asynchronously perform tasks across all Avalanche L1’s. It’s magical tech only found on on AVAX


Avalanche’s inter chain token transfer, ICTT for short, builds on Teleporter allowing you to transfer tokens between any two Avalanche L1’s

Think of them as native cross-chain transactions that can span L1 boundaries

You know the Avalanche primary network comes with cross-chain capabilities. You can send tokens to/from the X, C and P chains natively. So if you’re running a dAPP you can send AVAX from X to C chain. If you’re staking you can send the tokens from C to P chain and so on. These cross-chain operations happen under the same L1 – the primary Avalanche L1 (formerly subnet).

With ICTT you can do this across L1’s

While most other L1 platforms are struggling with simple cross-chain transfers, Avalanche has built a generation ahead of that. Cross-chain has been on Avalanche since 2020!!! Here we’re talking about cross-L1 communication.

I’d love to give you an analogy using some other blockchain, but there’s simply nothing like it out there today. It’d be like Ethereum talking to the Bitcoin network natively, no middleware involved. Sounds crazy but that’s what it is. And it’s gonna be native in Avalanche from ACP-77 onwards.


With HyperSDK you can launch a new L1 in seconds!!

Remember the first crypto generation, where you had to fork Bitcoin source code and customize it to create a new coin? You’d fork Bitcoin Core, or some earlier forked Bitcoin derivative, then you’d customize the sources to roll out your own new coin on L1. The new coin would be announced on Bitcoin Talk forum and hopefully some Proof of Work miners would onboard and help you validate the network. Litecoin, Dogecoin and dozens of other projects were born this way.

In 2014, Ethereum changed everything. You could then launch your coin on L2, running on Ethereum L1. No need for miners, since the security was guaranteed by the underlying layer.

HyperSDK is the next step in this evolution. And it’s just as huge as the leap from forking source code to launching an ERC20 token!

HyperSDK allows you to launch your own blockchain, on L1, as easily as you’d launch a token on Ethereum. So you’re running on L1 like forking Bitcoin would be, but you can do it as easily as creating an L2 token. Like everything else in Avalanche, HyperSDK leverages the best of all the worlds that came before it!

L1 Launchpad

HyperSDK made it so easy to launch a new L1, that engineer Usman Asim coined a new term for it: Avalanche is the L1 Launchpad!

You should definitely watch his presentation at Consensus 2024

AAA Games

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know the hottest game out there today is running on Avalanche!

In fact, gaming on AVAX has already gone mainstream! It’s the only platform which can handle the required TPS for real time gaming. Games can also leverage the infinite L1 scalability and run on their own sharded resources, not loading the primary Avalanche L1. No other crypto platform can scale like Avalanche does!

RWA Tokenization

RWA tokenization is the rage now but Avalanche was doing it since before it was cool!

Big banks and nation-states are studying RWA tokenization and AVAX has been the #1 choice in most projects I’ve seen.

RWA’s will be a $16 trillion niche by the year 2030 and Avalanche is THE RWA platform.


For a long time, crypto community had been wondering what the AVAX 9000 buzz was all about! Now we know it’s the biggest update I’ve ever seen in any crypto platform out there.

Avalanche 9000 is a set of technical upgrades that’ll take place on Q4 2024. For example, ACP-77 is just one component of AVAX9000!!! As big as ACP77 may be, it’s only the beginning of what’s coming in the next few months!

Together, the Avalanche 9000 will turn AVAX into the fastest, most scalable crypto platform ever. Quoting the official Avalanche 9k documentation:

What will Avalanche9000 include?


Quoting the creators of Tesseract:

“Tesseract is a trustless, non-custodial, on-chain trading platform designed to connect liquidity across the C-Chain and #Avalanche‘s growing network of L1s.

It leverages ICM and ICTT tech to allow cross-chain asset trading. L1 operators can integrate their subnet with Tesseract, instantly making their native asset available for trading. No DEX required, the system is 100% Avalanche native and allows any L1 to trade against any other asset within the ecosystem.

Tesseract was created by the Yield Yak team and is being audited by OpenZeppelin

Be Ready!

The past couple of years haven’t been easy for Avalanche or crypto in general. But the AVAX team never stopped building, even throughout the worst and longest bear market ever.

Now is the time to enjoy the results of years of hard work!

Avalanche is zero hype, all delivery. There are no fancy marketing or empty promises on Avalanche.

Check the Ava Labs Github activity. It never stops. There are updates 24x7x365.

Hype may drive prices up on other projects in the short term, but in the long run the best tech always wins. Real world institutions need to solve real world problems. You need REAL TPS for that, not inflated numbers. You need REAL scalability for that, not sophisticated blog posts and vaporware.

Avalanche Q4 will be the best time to be in crypto. Enjoy the ride. If you’ve been with the Avalanche community throughout the bear market, now is the time to have the last laugh!

Be ready, fun times are ahead!


Avalanche wants to digitize all of the world’s assets on the blockchain

Avalanche Unlock Schedule

ACP-77: Reinventing Subnets #78

What to Expect After the Etna Upgrade

Avalanche: The L1 Launchpad

LatAm Bank Littio Ditches Ethereum for Avalanche as Demand for RWA Vaults Grows

Tokenization 101: Institutions Leverage Avalanche to Test Merits of On-Chain Finance

Building on Avalanche9000

Tesseract Documentation

About the Author
Published by @rektbuildr - Software developer and technical writer. In charge of fixing the coffee machine at Interest include Java, Avalanche AVAX, C and C++, Spark, Hadoop, Scala language, golang, RedHat OpenShift and kubernetes, container tech, DevOps and related techs. Learn More About Us