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AVAX Avalanche Category - Page 2

Our Avalanche [AVAX] Price Prediction [Opinion]
If you've been following us, then you may have read that we believe Avalanche AVAX is a 20x investment. Why, you may ask? Because we think AVAX is definitely a top 10 crypt...
ELI5 What are LLM – Coin Operated Agents on Avalanche (CoA)?
A new kind of blockchain wherein the chain consists of a genesis block, followed by blocks that contain free-form transaction types, signed by public keys, that contain arbitrary...
Avalanche AVAX : An obvious 20x is upon us [Historical BULLSEYE 2020 Avalanche Price Prediction]
Price prediction is the riskiest business out there - and this article may well be the riskiest thing I've ever written. But this seems like such an obvious one to me, I'm a bit s...
ELI5 2023 Avalanche Cortina Update
On April 25 2023, Avalanche activated the Cortina update. According to Ava Labs founder, Emin Gun Sirer, there are 3 major advancements in Cortina: X-Chain linearization ...
cavax – Experimental C language tools for AVAX Avalanche exploration
cavax is an experimental implementation of C language utils for the exploration of the Avalanche AVAX protocol. Initially, cavax supports limited networking and basic passive f...
Scrape AVAX network peers using avax-python
P2P networking is the single most important technical functionality in all cryptocurrency implementations. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin, AVAX, Ethereum and others requires ...
avax-python Implementation Notes
Here you'll find a few implementation notes about avax-python. This is mainly targeted at developers who wish to work on the Python source code. Python <- Go Golang objec...
avax-python Network Message Pipeline
Here's a short overview of the avax-python Avalanche message pipeline. We've followed the reference Go implementation as closely as possible, but the Python code is still in ve...
Capturing Avalanche AVAX network traffic using avax-python
In this article we take a look at the avax-python utility and how to use it to snoop on Avalanche AVAX network traffic. tl;dr; If you're in a hurry, her...
AVAX mainnet officially launched [Sept 22, 2020]
AVAX mainnet has launched with thunderous success! As we write this article, AVAX has gained over 620% (8 AM UTC) in the first 4 hours of trading at Binance. Volume stood at im...