See Also
C++ Bitcoin Blockchain to MySQL Database Interface
Crypto.BI Toolbox abstracts database access through a thin database access layer. Every database operation required to run the system has been made into a separate function in db/dao/CBDAODriver.h This traditional approach, used in many system architectures, allows us to switch storage solutions by creating new subclasses of CBDAODriver. For instance, if a graph database was […]
Bitcoin Blockchain SQL Schema for MySQL
This SQL schema was created for Crypto.BI Toolbox. The same, or similar, SQL schema can be used by anyone exploring Bitcoin with the help of a MySQL RDBMS. Although we didn’t test this SQL with other RDBMS’, it should be fully compatible with MariaDB and any other MySQL-derived system. How the data is inserted/retrieved to/from […]
ELI5 Proof of Stake (PoS) – How does PoS work?
In the cryptocurrency universe, Proof of Stake (PoS) is one of the most popular alternatives to the Proof of Work (PoW) family of consensus mechanisms. While PoW systems invest large amounts of energy to make sure transactions are legit, PoS does not require mining hardware. Proof of Stake “miners” (stakers) must lock a financial stake […]
Building Bitcoin Toolbox MySQL Blockchain Inserter from source
Here you’ll find instructions on how to build Bitcoin Toolbox from source code. Build Requirements Bitcoin Core >= 0.18.99 Boost Libraries >= 1.71.0 CMake >= 3.5 g++ >= 9.2 Boost Libraries Build or download a binary distribution of Boost Libraries. Take note of the root Boost directory (where boost/ is found). We’ll call this directory […]