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Government regulation will play a large role in mass cryptocurrency adoption. There is also speculation about governments investing in crypto. In this section we take a look at all government-related cryptocurrency topics.

Cryptocurrencies and smart cities: The Future?
Futuristic novels by William Gibson, Bruce Sterling and other cyberpunk authors inspired a whole generation which dreamed of revolutionary concepts such as virtual cities, flying ...
ELI5 Dollar Reboot Composite
Market analyst Jim Rickards edits the Strategic Intelligence newsletter and, in 2017, he made several predictions about the financial markets in the coming years, specifically men...
ELI5 How will The Federal Reserve’s Digital Dollar Work?
A speech by Federal Reserve governor Lael Brainard gave clues about the Fed's advances on the research and development of a blockchain version of the US Dollar. Although it's r...
Bitcoin negative yields are impossible
Negative yield is an intriguing concept. The whole idea behind paying interests is that your money is worth more today than it is tomorrow. Cash in hand should be worth more than ...