See Also
What is the difference between digital money and cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital money, but what we normally understand as digital money is represented in fiat currency. For instance, prepaid cards, virtual credit cards and other forms of digital money are simply fiat money deposited into some account under a traditional banking institution. Parents, for instance, can load up their children’s cards […]
ELI5 Bitcoin to USD conversion
Bitcoin itself does not offer a US Dollar for Bitcoin exchange system. If you’ve just arrived in the world of cryptocurrencies, this may cause some confusion. Bitcoin is a completely virtual crypto asset that exists within its own blockchain. The only way to convert Bitcoin to US Dollars, and from USD back to Bitcoin, is […]
Should I worry about the Bitcoin halving?
As you probably know, when mining Bitcoin, every block contains a reward reserved for whoever solves it. The very first blocks, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto himself, paid a 50 BTC reward. Today, blocks pay 1/4 of that, or 12.5 BTC. In May 2020, that reward will halve once more to 6.25 BTC per block. Why […]
Opinion: Our 2018 cryptocurrency portfolio: Events to look forward to and pitfalls to avoid [Feb 2018]
Few events have the power to make a cryptocurrency multiply 10X. Being widely adopted, becoming the standard in its niche, developing an innovative or very unique feature, having a great community around it – all these have the power to increase a crypto’s value many times over. But what are some possible catalysts for cryptocurrency […]