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Browsing Concept: Distributed Ledger

A distributed ledger is a decentralized financial database with data stored across multiple locations.

Browsing 3 results under Distributed Ledger
Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We've heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: "blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much". Is this really so? We disagree, and in th...
Blockchain bills of lading : Revolution in oil shipments and sea cargo logistics
After more than 200 years of the same workflow, one technology has come along which could change the oil trade forever: blockchain! Dannish sea transport giant Maersk announced...
Zimbabwe’s U$ 10k BTC exposes the inneficiency of centralized bureaucracy
You would think a high liquidity market such as Bitcoin would present small spreads from country to country. But that's not the case at all. And it's not Bitcoin's fault. With ...