See Also
chainparams.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
In this article we’ll take a look at one of the better known Bitcoin Core source files. Why is chainparams.* known to so many crypto developers? Because since 2011 or so, basically every coin that appeared before Ethereum would edit this source file and its header to modify parameters and create a new cryptocurrency! After […]
ELI5: Blockchains explained in simple terms
A blockchain is a database formed by a sequence of entries called (you guessed it) blocks. Blockchains have a special characteristic by which any attempt to modify one of its entries would modify the entire chain. It is, therefore, an immutable data structure, which stores blocks in chronological order of insertion. This makes blockchain a […]
ELI5 Tezos On-Chain Governance
Tezos is a third generation cryptocurrency which offers all the benefits of first and second generation cryptocurrencies, plus Proof of Stake minting and on-chain governance. In this post we discuss decentralized governance and how it’s implemented in Tezos. First, let’s take a look at some basic concepts. Governance What is understood by governance in the […]
Understand the basics of smart contracts
What’s a smart contract? What makes it smart? How can I deploy my own contracts on the Ethereum blockchain? In this article we explore these questions and give you an overview about smart contracts and their revolutionary contribution to the world of cryptocurrencies. In the beginning there was Bitcoin. It’s a protocol that allows you […]