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Browsing Concept: Paper Wallet

A paper wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet which has its public and private keys printed on paper. The keys can normally be read using a QR code. As long as you maintain the integrity of the printed paper, it’s a very secure storage method due to its offline (air gapped) nature.

Browsing 3 results under Paper Wallet
ELI5 Don’t ever mix paper and electronic wallets!
Whatever cryptocurrency you might use, don't ever mix paper and electronic wallets! In this article we give a ELI5 overview of paper wallets and what you need to know to keep ...
What is a “paper wallet”? Doesn’t sound very high tech!
Writing secrets on paper doesn't sound very high tech but, as it turns out, it's one of the most secure Bitcoin storage methods available! Why? Because printed paper is actual...
Do you really need a hardware wallet?
Carrying a complete banking institution in your pocket is an amazing concept! Hardware wallets are really cool. They're basically specially designed storage systems, like s...