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Technical Category - Page 2

What are the limits of Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a P2P network and, as such, faces limitations inherent to the underlying networks as well as the limitations of its own protocol. In this article we take a look at the ...
Is your cryptocurrency at risk of a 51% attack?
Half plus one attacks could theoretically happen to any Proof of Work based cryptocurrency. The amount of risk of such an attack happening depends on several factors, including...
Estimating Cardano ADA Staking Rewards
July 2020 Update Cardano has finally released the Shelley mainnet. From this point forward, staking rewards will no longer be estimated. Once epoch 210 is concluded, we'll have...
ELI5: What is BetterHash?
BetterHash is a cryptocurrency mining method developed by Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corallo. The main idea behind BetterHash is to improve decentralization of Bitcoin mining ...
What is Turing completeness and how does it relate to cryptocurrencies?
Turing-completeness refers to a characteristic of computing platforms where a computer that is deemed Turing-complete can execute all programs that a Turing Machine would be able ...
ELI5 Zero Knowledge (ZKP) cryptocurrency proofs?
In cryptographic theory, a zero knowledge proof is a method by which you can convince someone, who does not necessarily trust you, that you possess a piece of knowledge (proof) wi...
ELI5 : What is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)?
A Directed Acyclic Graph, or DAG, is a graph where no "loops" exist. You can only traverse a DAG in the forward direction, even if you take different paths in the graph. Ess...
ELI5 PoW – What are Proof of Work algorithms?
Proof of Work (PoW) is a cryptographically secure consensus mechanism which guarantees that network participants who do not necessarily know each other are able to prove that they...
ELI5 Cryptocurrency Sharding
If you come from the world of IT, then you've probably heard of database or disk data sharding. For those who don't come from IT, a real simple way to put it is that sharding m...
Understand the basics of smart contracts
What's a smart contract? What makes it smart? How can I deploy my own contracts on the Ethereum blockchain? In this article we explore these questions and give you an overview abo...