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Crypto News Category - Page 2

Bitcoin featured on 2600 Hacker Quarterly magazine
Bitcoin has been featured on the Spring 2018 issue of 2600 Hacker Quarterly magazine. The article is titled Bitcoin or Bit Con and talks about a hacker's first experiences with...
Understand Cryptocurrency Escrow
If cryptocurrencies are decentralized and secure, how come do we need escrow services? That's a great question and it doesn't really arise from cryptocurrencies themselves, bu...
Understand how cryptocurrency price is determined
The US Dollar price we see listed for major cryptocurrencies is an average amount obtained from major crypto exchanges using their API. For example, CoinMarketCap (CMC) has "M...
Reddit detectives bust Venezuela Bitcoin donation fraud
Reddit detectives have done it again. A fake charity which requested donations for Venezuelans during hardship has been busted using a fake image as proof that children had su...
Largest Brazilian Bitcoin exchange founder, Gustavo Schiavon, dead at 24
Foxbit co-founder Gustavo Schiavon, known affectively as Guto, has passed away in a car accident in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Accident While driving between Maríli...
Brazilian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association (ABCB) files lawsuit against Brazilian banks
According to Brazilian newspaper Folha, the Brazilian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Association (ABCB) has filed an administrative motion against banks at Cade, the Brazilian regu...
HackersBeingBros – Coindash receives back 20k ETH from address linked to hacking incident
The Coindash hack keeps getting more interesting. The hacker who once returned 10k ETH has had another lapse of conscience and returned another 20K ETH to the main Coindash account...
Opinion: Coin money laundering is driven by cryptocurrency exchange theft
According to a quarterly report released by Cipher Trace, the quantitative investment firm, specializing in the systematic trading of cryptocurrencies, in the first half of 2018, ...
Fake cryptocurrency market caps, Part II – Graphical Evidence
If you've been following Crypto.BI then you've likely seen one of our most popular articles, about fake cryptocurrency market capitalizations. Our main argument is that most cr...
Humanitarian Bitcoin: How NGO’s and charities can leverage cryptocurrencies for common good
The decentralized peer-to-peer nature of Bitcoin presents many opportunities for humanitarian, charity and third sector activities. Sending funds to isolated communities, in real ...