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Crypto News

Articles under Crypto News (formerly “The Tape”) category are general cryptocurrency concepts, news, commentary, opinion and analysis. In short: everything that didn’t get placed anywhere else for one reason or another.

Tape readers were some of the earliest scientific speculators in New York’s stock markets. By reading the ticker tape immediately after it got out of the machine, they would try to identify patterns which they claimed helped them beat the market.

Crypto.BI Tape was initially meant as a real time cryptocurrency news and analysis service for traders (which is what we did back then), but was later converted into a more general and less time sensitive knowledge base.

Still, we kept the old name as a reminder of where it all started. Since the old news service wasn’t activated, The Tape ended up being a general category. Kinda like that messy drawer which ends up having a bit of everything in it.

Understand the Coinbase SegWit upgrade: what it means and how this will improve Bitcoin for everyone
Coinbase has announced the long awaited SegWit upgrade to their trading platform. We'd like to take this opportunity to discuss how this is a very important change and how it will...
ELI5 What are LLM – Coin Operated Agents on Avalanche (CoA)?
A new kind of blockchain wherein the chain consists of a genesis block, followed by blocks that contain free-form transaction types, signed by public keys, that contain arbitrary...
ELI5 Don’t ever mix paper and electronic wallets!
Whatever cryptocurrency you might use, don't ever mix paper and electronic wallets! In this article we give a ELI5 overview of paper wallets and what you need to know to keep ...
DIMCoin is Dead
2020 Updates In November 2020 several users on the Telegram group note that the August announcement about the substitution of HYBSE for ZEROTRADE has not happened as planned. A...
Opinion: Nouriel Roubini’s statements to the Senate Banking Committee are an embarrassment [October 2018]
If you've been following the cryptocurrency discussions on social media, then you've probably heard a lot about Nouriel Roubini lately. First, the Vitalik + LauraShin thread th...
How can I sell Bitcoin?
There are many ways in which you can sell your Bitcoins. Over the counter (OTC) trade is growing everywhere, thus fulfilling one of Satoshi's original ideas, which was to have...
Sources for news about the Poloniex exchange
You should look for official sources for exchanges and brokers. Never trust ads or search results! To be sure, access Poloniex's official website and click through to links from t...
The first Bitcoin block mined each year 2009-2020
In this article we take a look at a curiosity: the first block mined each year since 2009. Some Stats The average of the past 10 years has been 55519 blocks...
Some little known facts about Bitcoin
In this post I've collected some interesting facts about Bitcoin that I've come across along the years. I'll try to keep this post updated as I learn more about early Bitcoin h...
SegWit adoption now over 30%
Bitcoin has set a new landmark in SegWit adoption, having just crossed the 30% rate. With the 0.16.0 Bitcoin Core release, which introduced full support for SegWit, the networ...