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ELI5 2023 Avalanche Cortina Update
On April 25 2023, Avalanche activated the Cortina update. According to Ava Labs founder, Emin Gun Sirer, there are 3 major advancements in Cortina: X-Chain linearization ...
Who is Carlos Matos? [Cryptocurrency / Bitconnect personality]
Carlos Matos is a self-described investor and entrepreneur from New York. He gained notoriety for his overly enthusiastic presentation of Bitconnect at the October, 2017 annual...
cavax – Experimental C language tools for AVAX Avalanche exploration
cavax is an experimental implementation of C language utils for the exploration of the Avalanche AVAX protocol. Initially, cavax supports limited networking and basic passive f...
Scrape AVAX network peers using avax-python
P2P networking is the single most important technical functionality in all cryptocurrency implementations. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin, AVAX, Ethereum and others requires ...
avax-python Implementation Notes
Here you'll find a few implementation notes about avax-python. This is mainly targeted at developers who wish to work on the Python source code. Python <- Go Golang objec...
avax-python Network Message Pipeline
Here's a short overview of the avax-python Avalanche message pipeline. We've followed the reference Go implementation as closely as possible, but the Python code is still in ve...
Capturing Avalanche AVAX network traffic using avax-python
In this article we take a look at the avax-python utility and how to use it to snoop on Avalanche AVAX network traffic. tl;dr; If you're in a hurry, her...
ELI5 – What is a wallet drainer?
As cryptocurrencies gain mass adoption, scams become more and more commonplace. Just like criminals will go to any extent to rob assets in US Dollars, so it is with crypto nowaday...
ELI5: What is Tornado Cash?
Tornado Cash is a decentralized cryptocurrency tumbler. It is implemented as an Ethereum smart contract and can be used to mix cryptocurrency UTXO's, unlinking the on-chain relati...
Are Proof of Stake (PoS) cryptos securities? [Opinion]
In March 2022, Bitcoin enthusiast Michael Saylor postulated that Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies are securities: The only settled method to create digital property is via Proof...