See Also
Proof of Elapsed Time (POET) Summary [Cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms]
In this poetically named consensus mechanism, network participants prove that they have slept for a random amount of time before being able to mint a block. POET was released by Intel in 2016 and was originally aimed at trusted computing using Intel CPU’s. A special instruction set called Software Guard Extensions (SGX) allows programs to […]
Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We’ve heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: “blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much”. Is this really so? We disagree, and in this article we discuss the origins of Bitcoin and how the problem it solved only makes sense when there’s a reward for participants to join […]
We think Elon Musk IS the real Satoshi. For real. [Nov 2017 Humor]
We know what you’re thinking: this post can’t be serious. But it is. Like, dead serious. After dismissing the theory that Elon Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto as a joke for a long time, we went and had a closer look at the arguments behind this rumor and, as this piece from Entrepeneur put it, the […]
Proof of Space (PoSpace) Summary [Cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms]
Proof of Space uses hard disk space as the value used to guarantee a participant’s stake in mining. By allocating disk space, the network participant provides value to the network, which uses this space to solve computational problems. Given low network bandwidth for a lot of regions, making it difficult to transfer large amounts of […]