See Also
What is “formal verification” of cryptocurrency software?
You may have heard that Cardano ADA is aiming for formal verification of its core software. What does it mean for software programs to be formally verified? Why is it important for cryptocurrencies? In this article we take a quick and superficial look at formal verification and why it may be desirable in the future […]
ELI5 Proof of Stake (PoS) – How does PoS work?
In the cryptocurrency universe, Proof of Stake (PoS) is one of the most popular alternatives to the Proof of Work (PoW) family of consensus mechanisms. While PoW systems invest large amounts of energy to make sure transactions are legit, PoS does not require mining hardware. Proof of Stake “miners” (stakers) must lock a financial stake […]
Opinion: Our 2018 cryptocurrency portfolio: Events to look forward to and pitfalls to avoid [Feb 2018]
Few events have the power to make a cryptocurrency multiply 10X. Being widely adopted, becoming the standard in its niche, developing an innovative or very unique feature, having a great community around it – all these have the power to increase a crypto’s value many times over. But what are some possible catalysts for cryptocurrency […]
Building the Haskell cardano-node on Linux
tl;dr; Jump straight to the build instructions The Details Looking forward to the Haskell mainnet, the next step in the Cardano project, I’ve begun exploring the cardano-node Haskell implementation. I find that exploring source code is much easier if you actually watch the program run for a while. So, the first thing a developer has […]