See Also
How do I convert Bitcoin to US Dollars and Euros?
To convert Bitcon and other cryptocurrencies into US Dollars, Euros or other currencies, you need an exchange that will work with fiat money. Most cryptocurrency exchanges don’t, because fiat requires compliance with local and international regulations and in most cases the reserve requirements are out of reach for the typical unfunded crypto hackers who happen […]
What is the difference between digital money and cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital money, but what we normally understand as digital money is represented in fiat currency. For instance, prepaid cards, virtual credit cards and other forms of digital money are simply fiat money deposited into some account under a traditional banking institution. Parents, for instance, can load up their children’s cards […]
How can I sell Bitcoin?
There are many ways in which you can sell your Bitcoins. Over the counter (OTC) trade is growing everywhere, thus fulfilling one of Satoshi’s original ideas, which was to have a 100% decentralized P2P currency. There are also many centralized exchanges where you can safely trade your BTC for other cryptos, or even cash. In […]
Brazil’s second highest Court rules that banks can unilaterally close cryptocurrency-related accounts
Brazil’s second highest Court, STJ, has decided in favor of Itaú Bank in a lawsuit started against them by Mercado Bitcoin, one of Brazil’s largest and oldest Bitcoin exchanges. Itaú’s defense argued that KYC and anti-money laundering regulations gave them the necessary powers to close accounts which they, unilaterally and at their sole discretion, decide […]