Crypto Bill

Bill is a writer, geek, crypto-curious polyheurist, a dog's best friend and coffee addict. Information security expert, encryption software with interests in P2P networking, decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts and crypto based payment solutions. Crypto Bill has published a total of 273 Posts

Latest Updates by Crypto Bill

ELI5 How to mine Litecoin
Litecoin has consistently been one of the most popular cryptocurrencies since its inception in 2011. It was initially forked from the main Bitcoin source code by a developer ca...
DIMCoin is Dead
2020 Updates In November 2020 several users on the Telegram group note that the August announcement about the substitution of HYBSE for ZEROTRADE has not happened as planned. A...
ELI5 Provably Fair Games
What is a provably fair game? The answer lies at the heart of a whole new industry which has been developed around the transparent, decentralized, nature of the blockchain. ...
ELI5 Who is Nick Szabo?
Nick Szabo is an American cryptography specialist, known for pioneering work in digital currencies. Considered by many to be the father of smart contracts, a concept he develop...
How to earn BAT (Basic Attention Token) by just browsing the WWW
tl;dr; Download Brave browser to earn BAT whenever ads are shown. You can also earn BAT as a publisher (see instructions below). Important Update As of November 2020, th...
A program to send and handle every UNIX signal
While playing around with errno I decided to test what happens if I sent (and handled) every possible UNIX signal to a program. Running this as a non-root user, I figured I co...
ELI5 PSBT – Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions
Trustless operation is one of the key concepts behind cryptocurrencies. The idea is that you should not have to personally meet, or trust your peers, in order to perform successfu...
ELI5 VRF – Understand Verifiable Random Functions
Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) are random number generators whose output can be cryptographically verified. A special algorithm provides the proof for VRF's at a later time the...
AVAX mainnet officially launched [Sept 22, 2020]
AVAX mainnet has launched with thunderous success! As we write this article, AVAX has gained over 620% (8 AM UTC) in the first 4 hours of trading at Binance. Volume stood at im...
What is a “paper wallet”? Doesn’t sound very high tech!
Writing secrets on paper doesn't sound very high tech but, as it turns out, it's one of the most secure Bitcoin storage methods available! Why? Because printed paper is actual...