See Also
ELI5: Cryptocurrency Micro Mining
Micro mining is a cryptocurrency mining modality where large quantities of small, and low computing power, devices perform the mining work. The idea stemmed from concepts related to IoT (Internet of Things), but also applies to other mining modalities where users contribute tiny amounts of work against proportional rewards. For example, by using their spare […]
ELI5 What is cryptocurrency mining?
Mining is the process by which cryptocurrency transactions get verified. The process got its name from the fact that once a block is verified, whoever solved it will earns some coins as a reward, a little like gold mining – there’s a reward for the work. Early Bitcoin Mining When Bitcoin was launched, the idea […]
Opinion: Will Tether blow up? [Dec 2017 Archive]
There is an elephant in the room in the cryptocurrency world and it’s called Tether. The concept of a cryptocurrency that is tied to the world’s reference fiat currency is very interesting indeed. But it has a very expensive requirement: for every unit of this cryptocurrency, there must be an equal unit in the reference […]
Proof of Location (PoL) Summary [Cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms]
In a Proof of Location consensus algorithm, users’ geospatial coordinates are accounted for as proof of value. This kind of algorithm is usually employed in cryptocurrency geomining systems. In a geomining application, users earn rewards for being at a certain place at a certain time. If, for example, a company wished to gather participants for […]