See Also
How can I sell Bitcoin?
There are many ways in which you can sell your Bitcoins. Over the counter (OTC) trade is growing everywhere, thus fulfilling one of Satoshi’s original ideas, which was to have a 100% decentralized P2P currency. There are also many centralized exchanges where you can safely trade your BTC for other cryptos, or even cash. In […]
Who is Craig Wright?
As part of our Who’s Who section, today we take a look at Dr. Craig S. Wright (CSW), a controversial cryptocurrency personality who, for several years, claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Craig Steven Wright was born in Australia in 1970 and holds a PhD in theology. He’s currently the CTO for nChain – the company […]
Proof of Location (PoL) Summary [Cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms]
In a Proof of Location consensus algorithm, users’ geospatial coordinates are accounted for as proof of value. This kind of algorithm is usually employed in cryptocurrency geomining systems. In a geomining application, users earn rewards for being at a certain place at a certain time. If, for example, a company wished to gather participants for […]
Proof of Elapsed Time (POET) Summary [Cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms]
In this poetically named consensus mechanism, network participants prove that they have slept for a random amount of time before being able to mint a block. POET was released by Intel in 2016 and was originally aimed at trusted computing using Intel CPU’s. A special instruction set called Software Guard Extensions (SGX) allows programs to […]