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Blockchain: the fundamental, immutable data structure behind Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies.

It’s one of the most critical cryptocurrency building blocks, which forms the ledger and bookkeeping system that allowed Bitcoin to be decentralized.

Here, we discuss blockchain-related topics, including introductory materials and various applications of blockchain (including non-cryptocurrencies).

Is blockchain just a glorified database?
The blockchain is a special kind of database that has the property of being immutable and tamper proof. This makes it suitable for high security applications such as banking, logi...
ELI5: Blockchains explained in simple terms
A blockchain is a database formed by a sequence of entries called (you guessed it) blocks. Blockchains have a special characteristic by which any attempt to modify one of its ...
Can Bitcoin SV scale?
Bitcoin SV has made the transition to (for all practical purposes) unlimited block size. You can now store any amount of data on the BSV blockchain, which raises serious questi...
Middlemen have become expendable
There’s a widely known trend that the number of people is ‘portfolio workers’ who freelance, work part-time or take unguaranteed shift work rises pretty fast. It creates a l...
ELI5 : What is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)?
A Directed Acyclic Graph, or DAG, is a graph where no "loops" exist. You can only traverse a DAG in the forward direction, even if you take different paths in the graph. Ess...
What are CryptoDepository Receipts?
A CryptoDepository Receipt is a smart contract that is meant to represent something. It is a cryptographic note that can represent anything, any asset, any rights, currency or any...
What is actually a cryptocurrency fork?
Unless you've been living in a cave for the past 9 years, then you've probably heard about cryptocurrency forks. Bitcoin Cash was probably the most hyped, feared, loved, talked...
ELI5 Cryptocurrency Sharding
If you come from the world of IT, then you've probably heard of database or disk data sharding. For those who don't come from IT, a real simple way to put it is that sharding m...
Understand the challenges of decentralized databases (e.g. the Bitcoin ledger)
Decentralization is what makes Bitcoin special. Cryptocurrencies are simply applications of the more general concept of decentralized databases. In fact, Bitcoin is one large data...
What is the difference between digital money and cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital money, but what we normally understand as digital money is represented in fiat currency. For instance, prepaid cards, virtual credit cards a...