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Initial Coin Offerings (ICO’s) are a system of crowdfunding methods made possible by cryptocurrencies, especially with the introduction of smart contracts and easily generated tokens.

During the height of the ICO era, we covered several innovative projects that appeared on the scene. You’ll find those articles below.

Although the ICO market has cooled a lot since 2017, we occasionally still find a gem that we feel should covered in this section.

ELI5 Antshares [ANS] [NEO]
Antshares is Chinese project NEO's previous name. When originally released it was informally nicknamed "China's Ethereum" platform. Legendary ICO Antshares was one of the mo...
TrackICO ICO, IEO and STO Tracker
TrackICO is an ICO, IEO and STO tracking website which publishes pre-sale, ongoing, upcoming, currently trading and closed ICO's. 2020 Update The TrackICO Telegram group was...
Pocaga ICO [Closed Q2 2018]
Pocaga was an online casino and online gambling platform ICO which ran in early 2018. ICO Sale The pre-sale ICO raised over U$ 7 million on its first round. The ICO had t...
How to choose a blockchain project to invest in
Nowadays there’s so many projects that have very distinctive features, solve various problems and use different approaches. If you’re interested in the new technologies, you p...
Token Investing: The Balance Between Liquidity and Longevity
One of the perhaps overreaching promises of token crowdsales is buyer and investor liquidity. It is what separates token sales from other investment types (yes, they likely are in...
Shoud I participate in an ICO? What should I look out for?
ICOs are crowdfunding events where a startup raises funds by emitting cryptocurrency coins or tokens. Investors become anonymous partners in the startup by buying tokens while bet...
Understand cryptocurrency and ICO bounties
If you follow interesting cryptocurrency projects on forums and social media then you've likely seen the term "bounty" appear every now and then. What is this bounty they refer to...
How do ICOs work?
ICO's are the cryptocurrency world's equivalent of stock market IPO's. The crowdfunding concept, made popular in the late 1990's by rock bands seeking support for independent albu...