See Also
Cardano Network Tools – CNT
Welcome to the Cardano* Network Tools – CNT home page. CNT is a Python implementation of the Cardano P2P protocol. Think of it as a programmable Cardano node but without the staking and block verification components – just the P2P networking code. You can pick different network message types and develop your own […]
ELI5 Semi-formal Cryptocurrency Development
We’ve previously discussed formal software verification as related to crypto programming. Today we’d like to discuss an intermediary concept called semi-formal cryptocurrency development. Brief Review of Formal Verification In formal verification, every single possible logical state of a computer program must be mathematically proven. This kind of proof can consume tens, even hundreds, of pages […]
What is “formal verification” of cryptocurrency software?
You may have heard that Cardano ADA is aiming for formal verification of its core software. What does it mean for software programs to be formally verified? Why is it important for cryptocurrencies? In this article we take a quick and superficial look at formal verification and why it may be desirable in the future […]
The 34 most profitable Proof of Stake (PoS) coins for 2021
In this article we take a look at several Proof of Stake (PoS) coins for investors building passive income streams. With the DeFi craze causing extremely high Ethereum fees, more and more investors look to PoS instead. Before You StartIf you’re not familiar with Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and cryptocurrency mining/staking, then please […]