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Trading Category - Page 2

Why Will The Price Of Ripple Increase & When Will It Happen?
Uphold and The London Bank Exchange are Using Ripple Uphold is a major cryptocurrency bank that allows someone to buy and hold their Ripple token for no transaction fee. Th...
ELI5 Altex Exchange [Formerly BTCPool.Exchange]
Altex was a cryptocurrency exchange active from 2016 to 2018. Before 2016 Altex used to be called BTCPool.Exchange The exchange presented itself as an innovative offering th...
The Kraken cryptocurrency exchange
Kraken is a San Francisco, California, based cryptocurrency exchange which started operating during 2013. The company grew quickly during that year's cryptocurrency bull market. ...
My list of cryptocurrency friendly banks
In this article I'd like to compile a list of cryptocurrency-friendly banks from around the world. Many financial institutions do not accept cryptocurrency-related transactions...
Should I worry about the Bitcoin halving?
As you probably know, when mining Bitcoin, every block contains a reward reserved for whoever solves it. The very first blocks, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto himself, paid a 50 BTC...
ELI5: How Telegram crypto signals work
Telegram has been adopted by cryptocurrency enthusiasts as the de-facto community messaging app. Several crypto investment Telegram groups exist, which range from professional ...
ELI5: Paradigm and Deribit OTC trading
Paradigm is a new chat platform that aims to take over from Telegram as the de-facto cryptocurrency chat/trading platform. Telegram's success in the crypto community was organi...
ELI5 Cryptocurrency futures trading
As the name implies, futures trading involves buying and selling something that will happen (or come to exist) at a later time. Futures are traded using contracts. Cont...
Six myths about Bitcoin that should be ignored
by Moris Beracha - With the entire distortion field surrounding Bitcoin, it is hard to see all the arguments in favor of the crypto currency. However, we should consider that t...
ELI5 Bitsquare (BISQ)
What is Bitsquare? Bitsquare is the former name of a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX). It was renamed to BISQ in March 2017 due to trademark-related issues. In...