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Trading Category - Page 3

Why are there so many cryptocurrency exchanges?
You may have noticed the "EX" suffix appears a lot in the cryptocurrency niche? BitMEX, Poloniex, Bittrex, Goatsex, you name it. If it ends in EX, then it's probably related...
ELI5 : How crypto exchanges work
Exchanges are online markets where one can trade cryptos. It is where all the "pumping and dumping" you keep hearing about happens. (In contrast with real world stock exchanges, p...
ELI5 Bitcoin to USD conversion
Bitcoin itself does not offer a US Dollar for Bitcoin exchange system. If you've just arrived in the world of cryptocurrencies, this may cause some confusion. Bitcoin is a c...
Understand cryptocurrency futures
Trading futures is an art. It's probably one of the riskiest investment games you can play, since futures contracts don't actually represent a current asset, but something that is...
Understand the Basics of Trading Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies can be traded in many different ways which, in the end, aren't very different from the stock, option and derivative markets. The same models used in centralized s...
Understand how decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges work
Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges are true P2P systems where investors can trade cryptos directly with their counterparts, without a centralized middleman. To better under...
How do I convert Bitcoin to US Dollars and Euros?
To convert Bitcon and other cryptocurrencies into US Dollars, Euros or other currencies, you need an exchange that will work with fiat money. Most cryptocurrency exchanges don'...