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The blockchain is a permanent, read-only, 100% secure registry of every transaction ever performed using a given cryptocurrency.

As such, the level of transparency made possible by public blockchains is unprecedented.

Here we discuss transparency from both the technical and regulatory points of view.

Opinion: Tether is likely backed by Bitcoin U$ equivalents, not by cash US Dollars [June 2018]
A lot of the controversy surrounding the Tether cryptocurrency seems to focus on whether it is fully backed by US Dollar funds or not. Several relevant questions have been posed i...
History and importance of Open Source Software in cryptocurrency development
Open Source Software (OSS) plays a critically important role in the development of cryptocurrencies, but it is almost always ignored or taken for granted by most crypto users. ...
Bitcoin negative yields are impossible
Negative yield is an intriguing concept. The whole idea behind paying interests is that your money is worth more today than it is tomorrow. Cash in hand should be worth more than ...
Is BAT (Basic Attention Token) token a Ponzi scheme?
If you've been following recent cryptocurrency news, then you probably know that Coinbase Pro has listed Basic Attention Token (BAT). While the price has nearly doubled in the ...