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Browsing Concept: Programming

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Browsing 24 results under Programming
Building the Haskell cardano-node on Linux
tl;dr; Jump straight to the build instructions The Details Looking forward to the Haskell mainnet, the next step in the Cardano project, I've begun exploring the cardano-...
Bitcoin Blockchain SQL Schema for MySQL
This SQL schema was created for Crypto.BI Toolbox. The same, or similar, SQL schema can be used by anyone exploring Bitcoin with the help of a MySQL RDBMS. Although we didn't ...
Bitcoin Blockchain to MySQL Insertion Tool
Crypto.BI Toolbox comes with a raw .dat block file to MySQL insertion tool called blocks_inserter. To use it, first you'll need to generate the MySQL schema on your local serve...
256 Bit Integer commented uint256.cpp from Bitcoin Core source code
If you've developed systems in C or C++ before then you're probably familiar with the stdint.h (cstdint for C++) typedefs. Since there'a lot of variation between platforms, stdint...
optional.h a pre-C++17 optional type in the Bitcoin source code
optional.h is a stub that'll likely get removed from Bitcoin Core at a future date when C++ 17 gets formally adopted for the entire project. By reading the Bitcoin Core sources...
Bitcoin Toolbox Home
Crypto.BI Toolbox is a set of tools for local blockchain exploration. It uses data from the raw Bitcoin block data files and does not require a network connection, API's and other...
Bitcoin Blockchain MySQL Database Inserter Configuration
Toolbox tries to read configuration from $HOME/.cyptobi/cryptobi.conf If a config file is unavailable, then defaults will be applied. The order of precendence from highest t...
C++ Bitcoin Blockchain to MySQL Database Interface
Crypto.BI Toolbox abstracts database access through a thin database access layer. Every database operation required to run the system has been made into a separate function in ...
Building Bitcoin Toolbox MySQL Blockchain Inserter from source
Here you'll find instructions on how to build Bitcoin Toolbox from source code. Build Requirements Bitcoin Core >= 0.18.99Boost Libraries >= 1.71.0CMake >= 3.5g++ &...
Python Bitcoin blockchain analysis tools
Under the python/ subdirectory at the root of the Toolbox distribution you'll find the ... you guessed it ... Python implementation of blockchain tools. So, how do you know whi...