See Also
DON’T use Paypal for cryptocurrency purchases [Early 2020 article]
November 2020 Update In late October 2020, Paypal updated their policy to allow cryptocurrency purchases. The payments processor also updated their Terms and Conditions to explicitly accommodate cryptocurrency trading. As such, most of our original advice no longer applies. We’ve decided to leave the original text untouched for historical purposes, since, for the past 11+ […]
ELI5 What is cryptocurrency mining?
Mining is the process by which cryptocurrency transactions get verified. The process got its name from the fact that once a block is verified, whoever solved it will earns some coins as a reward, a little like gold mining – there’s a reward for the work. Early Bitcoin Mining When Bitcoin was launched, the idea […]
ELI5: Why can’t Bitcoin miners use regular computers?
This is a frequently asked, but still very relevant, question in the world of cryptocurrencies. There seems to be a permanent, and very heated, debate involving the future of Bitcoin and one way or another, the discussion always turns to “Satoshi’s original vision”. What was his original vision? Is it the Bitcoin we use today? […]
Who is “Team Rocket”, the creators of the Avalanche protocol?
The Avalanche protocol family creators’ true identity is, perhaps, cryptocurrency’s most poorly kept secret. Or is it? Why would such a great idea’s true creators want to keep their names private? Which brings us to an earlier question. Why did Satoshi Nakamoto want to keep his own identity private? Wouldn’t Satoshi be held at the […]