See Also
Generate AVAX addresses and keys from a mnemonic phrase in Python
While playing with AVAX programming in Python, I wanted to have some wallet functionality on the Linux command line. It’s easily done from Javascript, since Ava Labs provides an official library, but this specific application required Python and I really didn’t wanna mix the two languages (although it’s perfectly fine if you do). You could […]
Is Avalanche safe from SEC regulatory actions? How does it compare to Ripple?
Ava Labs is a US-based company, founded by cryptography experts from Cornell University in NY and funded by several investors in the US. Ripple is a US-based company, founded by economists and cryptography experts from Canada and Kansas and funded by investors in the US. Notice any parallels? If you do, then you’re not alone. […]
Getting started with AVAX Toolbox
tl;dr; Clone both avalancheJ and avax-toolbox into the same parent directory. cd to the avax-toolbox dir and run gradle build You can find a list of AVAX Toolbox programs and their gradle tasks below. AVAX Toolbox AVAX Toolbox is a set of programs I initially wrote to test features from the avalancheJ library. I’ve been […]
avax-python Implementation Notes
Here you’ll find a few implementation notes about avax-python. This is mainly targeted at developers who wish to work on the Python source code. Python <- Go Golang object orientation is different from the Python OO approach. As a result, we had to make the choice of making the code more pythonic by using idioms […]