See Also
bitcoind.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
As mentioned in the Bitcoin-Qt commented source code post, there are several approaches one can take to step into the Bitcoin source in approximately the same order as it runs. For instance, tests are a great source of tiny example programs. Then there’s the ubiquitous Bitcoin-Qt client and, of course, bitcoind. All are good options […]
The Art of War in cryptocurrency investing [Feb 2018 Opinion]
In late 2017 the markets celebrated Bitcoin adoption by Wall Street. Bitcoin was finally going to New York! Jamie Dimon and other large bank CEOs were dissing Bitcoin which, in banker speak, means they were buying. Notice how Bitcoin started to dip exactly when Dimon said he “regretted” calling Bitcoin a fraud and then started […]
ELI5 PSBT – Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions
Trustless operation is one of the key concepts behind cryptocurrencies. The idea is that you should not have to personally meet, or trust your peers, in order to perform successful transactions. Experienced crypto users may take this concept for granted, but come to think of it – every real world transaction before cryptocurrencies came about […]
chainparams.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
In this article we’ll take a look at one of the better known Bitcoin Core source files. Why is chainparams.* known to so many crypto developers? Because since 2011 or so, basically every coin that appeared before Ethereum would edit this source file and its header to modify parameters and create a new cryptocurrency! After […]