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Browsing Concept: Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the world’s first viable decentralized cryptocurrency. It was released on January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Browsing 11 results under Bitcoin
Bitcoin: The mother of all cryptocurrencies
On January 12 2009, an individual, or group, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, announced that the first Bitcoin transaction had taken place. Ten Bitcoins had been magically...
ELI5 PSBT – Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions
Trustless operation is one of the key concepts behind cryptocurrencies. The idea is that you should not have to personally meet, or trust your peers, in order to perform successfu...
Introduction to our commented Bitcoin source code section
Below you'll find the main commented Bitcoin source code sections (sorted by section name and filename). Core amount.h - Defines the CAmount typedef, implements minimum and ...
bitcoind.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
As mentioned in the Bitcoin-Qt commented source code post, there are several approaches one can take to step into the Bitcoin source in approximately the same order as it runs. Fo...
Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We've heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: "blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much". Is this really so? We disagree, and in th...
Will Bitcoin lose its #1 market cap crown?
Ethereum has just overtaken Bitcoin! But, wait! We're not talking about market cap... As you've probably seen reported elsewhere, ETH now (Jun/2018) has more unique activ...
qt/bitcoin.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
qt/bitcoin.cpp is where Bitcoin Core initialization leads us next. main.cpp, the Bitcoin Qt application entry point, is basically just a stub that calls GuiMain() at qt/bitcoin...
chainparams.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
In this article we'll take a look at one of the better known Bitcoin Core source files. Why is chainparams.* known to so many crypto developers? Because since 2011 or so, ba...
rpc/server.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
We now dive into one of the most exciting components of the Bitcoin Core source code. The RPC subsystem interconnects the connection manager, wallets, the storage subsystem and...
Bitcoin Blockchain to Database Sync Process (blocks_updater) [ Toolbox]
After performing the initial database insert using toolbox/db/blocks_inserter, new blocks will be received from the network. To keep the database in sync after the initial bulk...