See Also
Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We’ve heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: “blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much”. Is this really so? We disagree, and in this article we discuss the origins of Bitcoin and how the problem it solved only makes sense when there’s a reward for participants to join […]
Why the gaming community will take blockchain and cryptocurrencies mainstream
Video games have been the basis for many innovations in other industries – from defence to healthcare to advanced manufacturing. Games also help with the creation of new technologies that require a rapid adoption to bring prices down. Think about the Japanese telecommunications industry, which had mobile games support the creation of the world’s first […]
ELI5 Cryptocurrency Prediction Markets
Prediction markets are a type of gambling where users bet a certain amount of cryptocurrency in the odds that an event will or will not happen. When the bets are registered on a blockchain, using a certain cryptocurrency as the value token, it’s then called a cryptocurrency prediction market. In a cryptocurrency prediction market, the […]
ELI5: What is WINk? [Formerly TRONBet]
WINk is a decentralized gaming application hosted on the TRON blockchain. Formerly TRONBet Previously known as TRONBet, the platform is now live at At the time of this writing, domain name was no longer responsive: Games WINk platform games include Dice, Poker, Casino (lots of games in this subsection), Sports and (soon to […]