See Also
Bitcoin Blockchain MySQL Database Inserter Configuration
Toolbox tries to read configuration from $HOME/.cyptobi/cryptobi.conf If a config file is unavailable, then defaults will be applied. The order of precendence from highest to lowest is: Command line options override all others. Config file options override defaults. Program defaults. Environment Set CRYPTOBI_HOME environment variable to the directory where you cloned the Crypto.BI Toolbox from […]
Bitcoin Blockchain to MySQL Insertion Tool
Crypto.BI Toolbox comes with a raw .dat block file to MySQL insertion tool called blocks_inserter. To use it, first you’ll need to generate the MySQL schema on your local server by importing scripts/sql/mysql/cryptobitoolbox_bitcoin.sql into your MySQL server. Then you will need to configure Toolbox with the appropriate username, password, host and database so that Toolbox […]
Building Bitcoin Toolbox MySQL Blockchain Inserter from source
Here you’ll find instructions on how to build Bitcoin Toolbox from source code. Build Requirements Bitcoin Core >= 0.18.99 Boost Libraries >= 1.71.0 CMake >= 3.5 g++ >= 9.2 Boost Libraries Build or download a binary distribution of Boost Libraries. Take note of the root Boost directory (where boost/ is found). We’ll call this directory […]
Building the Haskell cardano-node on Linux
tl;dr; Jump straight to the build instructions The Details Looking forward to the Haskell mainnet, the next step in the Cardano project, I’ve begun exploring the cardano-node Haskell implementation. I find that exploring source code is much easier if you actually watch the program run for a while. So, the first thing a developer has […]