See Also
2017 Bitcoin and Altcoin Hacks [Part 9]
This article is part of our complete guide to Bitcoin and altcoin hacks. Here we cover Bitcoin and altcoin security incidents from the year 2017. BitGrail In late 2017, Italian cryptocurrency exchange BitGrail was hacked and 2.5 million NANO were stolen. Initially, the exchange reported the issue as a “maintenance”: XRB withdrawals will be enabled […]
Opinion: Tether is likely backed by Bitcoin U$ equivalents, not by cash US Dollars [June 2018]
A lot of the controversy surrounding the Tether cryptocurrency seems to focus on whether it is fully backed by US Dollar funds or not. Several relevant questions have been posed in this respect, such as why investors would keep U$ 2.5 billion (as of May 2018) in cash deposited as reserves for Tether, with little […]
ELI5 What’s a stablecoin? [Nov 2018]
Since crypto beginnings, most crypto assets have been known to experience huge oscillations against the US Dollar (or some other legacy fiat currency). This has arguably scared many risk averse investors away from cryptocurrencies. More conservative investment instruments such as blue chip corporate bonds and Treasuries usually oscillate very little. Bitcoin, on the other hand, […]