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Basic ELI5 content about Cryptocurrencies, cryptography, software development and information security. Easy to follow articles to make complex stuff accessible to everyone!

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Avalanche Q4 will be HUGE!!!
Unless you've been living in a cave, you may have heard all the buzz about Avalanche Q4. Yeah I'm kinda guilty of shilling it myself!!! But what is it all about? Is it just hype? ...
Who is Craig Wright?
As part of our Who's Who section, today we take a look at Dr. Craig S. Wright (CSW), a controversial cryptocurrency personality who, for several years, claimed to be Satoshi Nakam...
ELI5 What’s a stablecoin? [Nov 2018]
Since crypto beginnings, most crypto assets have been known to experience huge oscillations against the US Dollar (or some other legacy fiat currency). This has arguably scared...
We think Elon Musk IS the real Satoshi. For real. [Nov 2017 Humor]
We know what you're thinking: this post can't be serious. But it is. Like, dead serious. After dismissing the theory that Elon Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto as a joke for a...
Will Bitcoin lose its #1 market cap crown? [Jun 2018 Opinion]
Ethereum has just overtaken Bitcoin! But, wait! We're not talking about market cap... As you've probably seen reported elsewhere, ETH now (Jun/2018) has more unique activ...
A study of the correlation between Mr Charles Hoskinson’s beard, travels, food, leisure and Cardano ADA price [Feb 2018 Humor]
The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a correlation between Mr. Charles Hoskinson's beard, travels, food, leisure activities and the price of Cardano ADA. ...
The QE Bubble: How Bitcoin might have helped expose the real financial bubble in world markets [Feb 2018 Opinion]
Nobel Prize laureates in Economics, bank CEOs, the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg and George Soros have united against Bitcoin. Why? What do they all have in common? Couldn'...
Quantitative Easing: The Achiles’ Heel of legacy fiat markets [2018]
For years now the legacy pre-crypto financial markets have been inflated by the worldwide network of central banks. This would have been unthinkable 20 years ago, but somehow it b...
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash : Two coins with matches, playing in gasoline [Nov 2017]
“The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five.” - Carl Sagan Cryptocurrencies are in a strat...
Bitcoin being dumped post-BTG-checkpoint. Altcoins soar as expected. [Oct 2017 Archive]
The self-fulfilling and fully predictable prophecy has just been realized: BTC is getting dumped like there is no tomorrow - in favor of most altcoins (except KICK?). In-house fav...