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Cardano is a third generation cryptocurrency project which aims to implement a cryptocurrency that includes all the features of 2nd generation cryptos (smart contracts) plus Proof of Stake mining using the Ouroboros protocol, on-chain governance and lots more. Cardano also aims to be semi-formally verified for correctness, an ambitious goal to produce mathematically proven correct software.

Building the Haskell cardano-node on Linux
tl;dr; Jump straight to the build instructions The Details Looking forward to the Haskell mainnet, the next step in the Cardano project, I've begun exploring the cardano-...
ELI5 VRF – Understand Verifiable Random Functions
Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) are random number generators whose output can be cryptographically verified. A special algorithm provides the proof for VRF's at a later time the...
A Jormungandr jcli Cryptonomicon – Staking Pool Commands and Stuff
In this article, we'll take a look at jormungandr and ended up compiling notes, some commonly used commands and other stuff learned while researching how to run a Cardano staking...
ELI5 What is an adversarial Cardano staking pool?
If you've been following recent Cardano staking discussions then you've probably seen or heard the term adversarial staking pool. What does it mean, exactly, to be an adversari...
What is “formal verification” of cryptocurrency software?
You may have heard that Cardano ADA is aiming for formal verification of its core software. What does it mean for software programs to be formally verified? Why is it important...
ELI5 Cardano Staking & Basic FAQ
In this article we look at the very basics of Cardano staking. If you've got any experience whatsoever with other Proof of Stake coins, then you probably don't need to read th...
Cardano Network Tools – CNT
Welcome to the Cardano* Network Tools - CNT home page. CNT is a Python implementation of the Cardano P2P protocol. Think of it as a programmable Cardano...
Estimating Cardano ADA Staking Rewards
July 2020 Update Cardano has finally released the Shelley mainnet. From this point forward, staking rewards will no longer be estimated. Once epoch 210 is concluded, we'll have...
ELI5 Cardano ADA Staking Pool Pledge
There's been a lot of talk about pledging in Cardano lately. What does pledging mean? What is pledge, exactly? Do stakers need to be concerned? What will the minimum pledge am...
ELI5 – What are Ouroboros VRF keys?
The Cardano blockchain is unique in many different aspects. It's a 3rd generation cryptocurrency which comes with on-chain governance, Proof of Stake validation, non-custodial...