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Bitcoin Toolbox Home

Crypto.BI Toolbox is a set of tools for local blockchain exploration. It uses data from the raw Bitcoin block data files and does not require a network connection, API’s and other 3rd party data sources.

It’s built of a combination of C++ libraries, Python integration and many other planned components that aim to make blockchain exploration fun and productive for everyone without dependency on 3rd parties.

What is it?

Crypto.BI Toolbox allows you to explore the blockchain, track addresses, look for address-to-address connections, draw a graph of addresses or transactions, find transactions or other addresses related to an address and much more.

The idea is that everyone should have the power to explore the blockchain on their own hardware by running their own block explorer readily available on their personal computer and not depend on centralized services.

Crypto.BI Toolbox allows users to audit, study and explore Bitcoin freely from their own copy of the blockchain.

One of the goals of Crypto.BI Toolbox was to avoid rewriting the already existing Bitcoin Core routines. Thus, whenever we needed to access the blockchain at a low level, we linked to the Bitcoin Core sources directly, no libraries or interfaces.


Here’s a quick guide to getting started with Crypto.BI Toolbox

Toolbox SQL Schema

Blockchain to MySQL Insertion Tool (blocks_inserter)

Database Sync Process (blocks_updater)

Python Tools

Toolbox Configuration

C++ Database Interface

Building Toolbox From Source


Encrypted Cloud Backup

DIY Blockchain Exploration

Crypto.BI Toolbox is fully programmable in Python (and C++, of course).

Other languages can be easily added by implementing an interface around the local database. The reference Python implementation can be quickly migrated to any other language.

You can run complex blockchain analysis routines using Python, including extending the existing subsystem to add powerful large dataset analysis tools like Hadoop, Spark and so on.

The C++ interface is used to “talk” to Bitcoin Core code directly, without recreating the already existing implementation. So, for reading the blockchain, working with addresses, cryptographic functions and all other Bitcoin-related routines, we use C++ linked straight to the Bitcoin Core source tree.

All tried and tested functions in Bitcoin Core are harnessed so we avoid reinventing the wheel.

This also allows Toolbox to be in sync with all BIP’s and latest additions to Bitcoin Core without having to update Toolbox code.


Right now Toolbox is available in source code. (We don’t run a compile farm.)

The getting started instructions should get you up and running.

Clone our Github repository to obtain the source code.


Announcement Thread

If you need to contact us, please send us an email to contact [at]

Crypto.BI Toolbox is published under the MIT software license. See our Github repository and the accompanying LICENSE file for details.


Become A Bitcoin Developer: Basic 101

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Bitcoin Core

About the Author
Published by Toolbox Team - Cryptography and cryptocurrency software development specialists. In-house nerds, stay at home aficionados, anti-pandemic crew of coffee addict devs. Learn More About Us