See Also
AVAX Staking tutorial – How to begin staking Avalanche [Early AVAX staking, in 2020]
Note: This is an article from Avalanche’s early days, back in 2020, before the mainnet went live! Back then there were no staking instructions available. In fact, we published this tutorial based on our own testnet experience, before it was even possible to move coins on the mainnet!!! We’ve kept this article in its original […]
Getting started with AVAX Toolbox
tl;dr; Clone both avalancheJ and avax-toolbox into the same parent directory. cd to the avax-toolbox dir and run gradle build You can find a list of AVAX Toolbox programs and their gradle tasks below. AVAX Toolbox AVAX Toolbox is a set of programs I initially wrote to test features from the avalancheJ library. I’ve been […]
Avalanche Q4 will be HUGE!!!
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you may have heard all the buzz about Avalanche Q4. Yeah I’m kinda guilty of shilling it myself!!! But what is it all about? Is it just hype? Or is there substance to all this bullish sentiment? tl;dr; Like all things Avalanche, it’s not just hype. This is […]
avax-python – Python utils for AVAX cryptocurrency and Avalanche network exploration
avax-python is a Python library and set of utils for the exploration of the Avalanche AVAX cryptocurrency and its network. The avax-python project began as a thin wrapper around AvalancheGo node API, but it now supports several other functionalities such as wallet address and secret phrase generation, network traffic capture, customizable protocol handlers and a lot […]