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TrackICO ICO, IEO and STO Tracker
TrackICO is an ICO, IEO and STO tracking website which publishes pre-sale, ongoing, upcoming, currently trading and closed ICO's. 2020 Update The TrackICO Telegram group was...
How does Brave browser know which sites are verified Brave publishers?
You may be wondering how Brave browser is able to know that a website is verified without compromising your browsing history? If the browser does not send your browsing history...
[SOLVED] Trouble installing Brave Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
If you're having trouble installing Brave Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, then it's likely because the official instructions show steps for Ubuntu 16.04 and not the latest stable rel...
My list of cryptocurrency friendly banks
In this article I'd like to compile a list of cryptocurrency-friendly banks from around the world. Many financial institutions do not accept cryptocurrency-related transactions...
Pocaga ICO [Closed Q2 2018]
Pocaga was an online casino and online gambling platform ICO which ran in early 2018. ICO Sale The pre-sale ICO raised over U$ 7 million on its first round. The ICO had t...
Understand the Dandelion Bitcoin privacy project
The Dandelion privacy project is a BIP that is based on an idea that has been under public discussion since June 2017. It was submitted as a BIP in May 2018 and since then it has ...
Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme?
tl;dr; No. Here's the longer version A system where the early birds made billions of U$ and the newer investors who entered in late 2017 are losing money, a system where...
Understand Cryptocurrency Escrow
If cryptocurrencies are decentralized and secure, how come do we need escrow services? That's a great question and it doesn't really arise from cryptocurrencies themselves, bu...
Understand how cryptocurrency price is determined
The US Dollar price we see listed for major cryptocurrencies is an average amount obtained from major crypto exchanges using their API. For example, CoinMarketCap (CMC) has "M...
Reddit detectives bust Venezuela Bitcoin donation fraud
Reddit detectives have done it again. A fake charity which requested donations for Venezuelans during hardship has been busted using a fake image as proof that children had su...