See Also
The Art of War in cryptocurrency investing [Feb 2018 Opinion]
In late 2017 the markets celebrated Bitcoin adoption by Wall Street. Bitcoin was finally going to New York! Jamie Dimon and other large bank CEOs were dissing Bitcoin which, in banker speak, means they were buying. Notice how Bitcoin started to dip exactly when Dimon said he “regretted” calling Bitcoin a fraud and then started […]
Avalanche Q4 will be HUGE!!!
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you may have heard all the buzz about Avalanche Q4. Yeah I’m kinda guilty of shilling it myself!!! But what is it all about? Is it just hype? Or is there substance to all this bullish sentiment? tl;dr; Like all things Avalanche, it’s not just hype. This is […]
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash : Two coins with matches, playing in gasoline [Nov 2017]
“The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five.” – Carl Sagan Cryptocurrencies are in a strategic inflection point. The big investors behind Bitcoin Cash have decided to take on BTC after their, in hindsight strategic, 2X retreat. Will it Work? Carl […]
ELI5 AvalancheJ Introduction
AvalancheJ is an experimental Java library for exploration and integration with the AVAX ecosystem. Important – Please ReadStill in its initial development stages, AvalancheJ is pre-Beta software and could contain serious bugs. Please keep in mind it’s an exploratory hobbyist project meant as a learning tool above anything else. For example, if an error occurs […]