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ELI5 What was Pandex Crypto?

Pandex Crypto was “an international finance broker, providing clients with the ability to profitably manage cryptocurrencies and stocks of traders in the world’s largest stock markets”.

Pandex is likely a portmanteau for Panama DEX, though we could not verify this information independently.

At the time of writing, Pandex did not seem to have any currently active social media presence nor official communications channels that we could find.

We recommend prospective investors proceed with caution.

Pandex Crypto Deposits

The system promises high yields against deposits which are offered in various different plans.

Due diligence performed by BehindMLM found Pandex to not be a reliable business.

At the time of this writing, the site was inaccessible.

While researching Pandex, we found this funny (and accidental) VIMEO notice:

Pandex Intro Video


Do your own research. We recommend investors take caution if you happen be offered services by Pandex Crypto.


Crypto scam offers modern twist on classic pyramid fraud

German firm told to wind up cryptocoin business after pyramid scheme claims

We assume this to be the official website: (Unlinked due to inability to verify.)

About the Author
Published by Gal Crypto - Geek crypto Gal stacking sats to get more tats! Information security enthusast, cryptocurrency early adopter and passionate about decentralized finance + fintechs. Front-end developer (Angular, PHP, React) and weekend skater. Learn More About Us