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Dead Coins

Hundreds of cryptocurrencies have died in the past 10 years.

Here, we document some of these failed projects.

Most posts in this section were originally published when the projects were hyped and had thousands of participants.

These were once vibrant and very active communities. Thousands of investors trusted their life savings into some of these projects – only to lose it all in the end.

A few of these crypto initiatives raised millions of U$ in their ICO’s just a couple years ago.

And now they’re all dead.

Welcome to the Dead Coins section.

DIMCoin is Dead
2020 Updates In November 2020 several users on the Telegram group note that the August announcement about the substitution of HYBSE for ZEROTRADE has not happened as planned. A...
Who is Kurt Bierbower?
Kurt Bierbower is an investing banking analyst who has participated in cryptocurrency ICO's in the past. Kurt served as the CBO (Chief Business Officer) at cryptocurrency proje...
ELI5 What was Pandex Crypto?
Pandex Crypto was "an international finance broker, providing clients with the ability to profitably manage cryptocurrencies and stocks of traders in the world's largest stock mar...
Understand Bitconnect [BCC] : Is it legit?
Update 1: Bitconnect was shut down shortly after this article was published. At the time of writing we did not know the extent of the Bitconnect scheme. While the official Bitc...
ELI5 Altex Exchange [Formerly BTCPool.Exchange]
Altex was a cryptocurrency exchange active from 2016 to 2018. Before 2016 Altex used to be called BTCPool.Exchange The exchange presented itself as an innovative offering th...
Alpereum Ethereum Mining Pool [Closed 2017]
Alpereum was an Ethereum mining pool that ran from May 2016 to late 2017. As of November 2017 Bitcointalk users reported that the pool had likely been shut down. No unfair p...
TrackICO ICO, IEO and STO Tracker
TrackICO is an ICO, IEO and STO tracking website which publishes pre-sale, ongoing, upcoming, currently trading and closed ICO's. 2020 Update The TrackICO Telegram group was...
Pocaga ICO [Closed Q2 2018]
Pocaga was an online casino and online gambling platform ICO which ran in early 2018. ICO Sale The pre-sale ICO raised over U$ 7 million on its first round. The ICO had t...
ELI5 The iDice [ICE] Scam
iDice was an ICO scam from 2017 which promised to develop a cryptocurrency gambling platform. The iDice smartphone application would allow users to bet in several gambling moda...