See Also
Introduction to our commented Bitcoin source code section
Below you’ll find the main commented Bitcoin source code sections (sorted by section name and filename). Core amount.h – Defines the CAmount typedef, implements minimum and maximum valid amount range check. base58.cpp – The encoding function used for Bitcoin addresses. Base58 removes some potentially ambiguous characters from Base64 so Bitcoin addresses can be written down […]
How can I sell Bitcoin?
There are many ways in which you can sell your Bitcoins. Over the counter (OTC) trade is growing everywhere, thus fulfilling one of Satoshi’s original ideas, which was to have a 100% decentralized P2P currency. There are also many centralized exchanges where you can safely trade your BTC for other cryptos, or even cash. In […]
ELI5 Proof of Stake (PoS) – How does PoS work?
In the cryptocurrency universe, Proof of Stake (PoS) is one of the most popular alternatives to the Proof of Work (PoW) family of consensus mechanisms. While PoW systems invest large amounts of energy to make sure transactions are legit, PoS does not require mining hardware. Proof of Stake “miners” (stakers) must lock a financial stake […]
Will Bitcoin lose its #1 market cap crown? [Jun 2018 Opinion]
Ethereum has just overtaken Bitcoin! But, wait! We’re not talking about market cap… As you’ve probably seen reported elsewhere, ETH now (Jun/2018) has more unique active addresses than Bitcoin. Is this a sign of something different looming in the horizon? Will Bitcoin end its 9 year reign as king of cryptocurrencies? Are there other cryptocurrencies […]