See Also
ELI5 What is the Avalanche Protocol? [AVAX]
Avalanche is a next generation, post-Nakamoto consensus mechanism which was designed to incorporate the best features of previously existing protocols and add some of its own. Note: Avalanche is both the name of a consensus mechanism and the name of the DeFi platform that was built on top of it. Today, the term Avalanche refers […]
ELI5: Why can’t Bitcoin miners use regular computers?
This is a frequently asked, but still very relevant, question in the world of cryptocurrencies. There seems to be a permanent, and very heated, debate involving the future of Bitcoin and one way or another, the discussion always turns to “Satoshi’s original vision”. What was his original vision? Is it the Bitcoin we use today? […]
Generate AVAX addresses and keys from a mnemonic phrase in Python
While playing with AVAX programming in Python, I wanted to have some wallet functionality on the Linux command line. It’s easily done from Javascript, since Ava Labs provides an official library, but this specific application required Python and I really didn’t wanna mix the two languages (although it’s perfectly fine if you do). You could […]
Does cloud mining make financial sense?
Remember the Old West, when naive speculators often bought maps to gold mines hoping for quick riches? Today, the basic question cowboys used to ask themselves still makes sense: if the mine is full of gold, then why would they sell a map of it for a tiny or insignificant fraction of the wealth contained […]