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Software developer and technical writer. In charge of fixing the coffee machine at Interest include Java, Avalanche AVAX, C and C++, Spark, Hadoop, Scala language, golang, RedHat OpenShift and kubernetes, container tech, DevOps and related techs. @rektbuildr has published a total of 28 Posts

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bitcoind.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
As mentioned in the Bitcoin-Qt commented source code post, there are several approaches one can take to step into the Bitcoin source in approximately the same order as it runs. Fo...
qt/bitcoin.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
qt/bitcoin.cpp is where Bitcoin Core initialization leads us next. main.cpp, the Bitcoin Qt application entry point, is basically just a stub that calls GuiMain() at qt/bitcoin...
chainparams.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
In this article we'll take a look at one of the better known Bitcoin Core source files. Why is chainparams.* known to so many crypto developers? Because since 2011 or so, ba...
rpc/server.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
We now dive into one of the most exciting components of the Bitcoin Core source code. The RPC subsystem interconnects the connection manager, wallets, the storage subsystem and...
base58.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
Base58 encoding is responsible for one of the most recognizable technical aspects of Bitcoin Core - the addresses! This source file is responsible for a significant part of th...
dummywallet.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Core source code
We mentioned in a previous Bitcoin Core source code article that bitcoind can be compiled without wallet support. Why would anyone do that? Historically there were 2 main fu...
qt/main.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
Having run the Bitcoin Core graphical interface for so many years, the GUI source code seemed like the perfect place to start the journey into Bitcoin Core. The messages conta...
The first Bitcoin block mined each year 2009-2020
In this article we take a look at a curiosity: the first block mined each year since 2009. Some Stats The average of the past 10 years has been 55519 blocks...