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Cryptography is the cornerstone of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin was made possible by well known cryptographic mechanisms that were assembled by Satoshi Nakamoto in a very creative way.

Although cryptography has been in use for thousands of years, only now has it become a household name due to the popular exposure brought by cryptocurrencies.

Although the subject of highly technical mathematical studies, here we approach crypto from the end user’s perspective, using accessible language and easy to understand concepts.

shafs – SHA256 a filesystem and store it on SQLite. Find duplicate files, organize your data
shafs is a tool to help you SHA256 an entire filesystem, file by file, storing its hash and file size in a SQLite database. Dependencies shafs requires sqlite3 On Ubuntu ...
Is Quantum Key Distribution in the future of cryptocurrencies?
What would be the use of a data transmission system where the contents of a message changed if anyone simply read it? Secret Key Exchange Imagine if our two dearest cryptocu...
Opinion: Decentralized blockchains can only survive having a valuable token, like Bitcoin, attached to them [Feb 2018]
We've heard this time and again, especially from folks in the financial sector: "blockchain is here to stay, Bitcoin not so much". Is this really so? We disagree, and in th...
ELI5 Multisignature Systems
What we call a Bitcoin is simply an unspent, signed transaction on the blockchain. (Technically called a UTXO, for Unspent Transaction (TX) Output.) When you say you own such ...
Understand asymmetric encryption – AKA public key cryptography
For thousands of years the art of encryption consisted in hiding one secret from the enemy. By gaining access to this secret the opponent could decode the message and, perhaps, fu...
ELI5: Cryptocurrency master keys
A cryptocurrency master key is a theoretical concept where one specially crafted cryptographic private key would be able to decrypt ciphertext encrypted using any public key. A...
ELI5 Sponge Functions for cryptocurrency development [Hash functions]
If you've been following the development of IOTA, and other cryptocurrencies, then you've probably heard the term "cryptographic sponge function", or simply sponge function? Y...
James Ellis: The British cryptographer who invented public key cryptography before Diffie-Hellman (and kept quiet about it)
When you think of heroic British spies, the image of a mathematician wearing heavy frame glasses, working behind a desk piled with math books, surely is not what comes to mind. ...