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Browsing Concept: C++

C++ programming language – used to implement Bitcoin Core, as well as most first generation cryptocurrencies, high performance Bitcoin miners and other critical software.

Browsing 21 results under C++
Commented consensus/merkle.cpp Merkle root on Bitcoin Core Source Code
In this article we take a look at one of the most important components of block validation and overall blockchain integrity: the Merkle Root derivation process. While it's one ...
Commented amount.h on Bitcoin Core Source Code
amount.h is one of simplest source files in Bitcoin Core. In fact we can paste it in it entirety and discuss it afterwards: /** Amount in satoshis (Can be negative) */ typed...
qt/bitcoin.h in Qt Bitcoin Core source code
qt/bitcoin.h pulls the config/bitcoin-config.h definitions that were generated by the configure script during the build process. This header also contains the Qt Q_OBJECT Bitco...
init.cpp Bitcoin Core startup source code
This is our first exploration of Bitcoin-specific code in this series of articles. Until now we've looked at how the Qt system was set up to run the GUI and Bitcoin services in...
Introduction to our commented Bitcoin source code section
Below you'll find the main commented Bitcoin source code sections (sorted by section name and filename). Core amount.h - Defines the CAmount typedef, implements minimum and ...
bitcoind.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
As mentioned in the Bitcoin-Qt commented source code post, there are several approaches one can take to step into the Bitcoin source in approximately the same order as it runs. Fo...
Cryptocurrency programming languages you should learn
Many different computer programming languages are employed in cryptocurrency programming. In this article, we take a look at cryptocurrency projects and the languages they empl...
qt/bitcoin.cpp – Commented Bitcoin source code
qt/bitcoin.cpp is where Bitcoin Core initialization leads us next. main.cpp, the Bitcoin Qt application entry point, is basically just a stub that calls GuiMain() at qt/bitcoin...
chainparams.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
In this article we'll take a look at one of the better known Bitcoin Core source files. Why is chainparams.* known to so many crypto developers? Because since 2011 or so, ba...
rpc/server.cpp – Commented Bitcoin Source Code
We now dive into one of the most exciting components of the Bitcoin Core source code. The RPC subsystem interconnects the connection manager, wallets, the storage subsystem and...